Saturday, 26 September 2015

Higher School Certificate (HSC)

Are you currently studying for the NSW Higher School Certificate (HSC)? There are many things that can help you prepare for your examinations.
The Library has a great range of HSC resources such as the Excel textbooks. A quick search in the catalogue using the word “excel” and adding onto the end the subject you are studying such as “excel history” will bring up the items for you. These books are very popular, but if the copy you can borrow is out you might want to check to see if there is a copy in the reference collection. You can’t take this copy home with you, but you can use it in the library and take photocopies from it.

You may also like to check out our HSC student resources web page which has some great information to help you prepare for your exams.
I would also recommend going through the NSW HSC Online website, this site has information on every subject for the HSC and is an invaluable resource.

Another great way to study and prepare is to practice. Did you know that the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards of NSW has past HSC examination papers on their website? Not only do they have past papers, they also have the marking guidelines and the notes from the markers for each paper. Click the link to check out the examination papers from 2014. These papers are in PDF format so you are able to print copies out to use. Think about trying the past papers and timing yourself as if you were in the exam.


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